REUSE the jewellery you already have!
There is so much jewellery sitting around in boxes and drawers. Some sentimental, some broken or maybe with missing parts. Some bought long ago and just no longer in fashion… I’m on a mission to bring these pieces back to life, turning old into new by remodelling, restoring, repairing and resizing.

Bring Your Old Jewellery Back To Life!
Shop Online “with a difference”
Visit my online shop to choose from my core collection. Then send me your old jewellery and I’ll use it to make your new piece!
Join my commissions waiting list and together we’ll design a truly bespoke piece, made from your own old / heirloom jewellery.
Make Your Own Wedding Rings
What could be more romantic than knowing that the rings you both wear to signify your love for one another have been crafted by your very own hands!
I’ve specialised in making bespoke wedding and engagement rings for many years, and will guide you through every step to create your own beautiful wedding (or any other occasion!) rings, all from your own old gold or silver.
You don’t need any jewellery making experience, and will be able to do as much or as little of the making as you feel comfortable with. However much you do, you’ll be able to look at your rings every day (hopefully forever!) and feel super proud that you’ve had a hand in making them!

Why shouldn’t I buy new?
Mining New Gold and Silver Contributes Towards:
• Deforestation and habitat destruction
• Pollution • Soil erosion • CO2 emissions
• Human Rights Abuse • Child Labour
“RECYCLED” Gold and Silver currently has no definitive definition:
…and so is subject to potential greenwashing! At the moment, any precious metal that has been reprocessed, even if it was mined just a few days earlier and has never come into contact with a consumer can be labelled as “recycled”.
So, in my humble opinion, the MOST ethical and environmentally friendly solution is to reuse the jewellery that you already own!
Well… the materials bit is easy, as that’s always my clients old jewellery, but where do I start on the tools?
A goldsmiths tools are like their babies. They’re part of you…an extension of your hands. I might make small things, but achieving that involves a whole host of tools!