Anna Mcloughlin Fine Jewellery - Certified B Corp!

…But what does that actually mean?

On the 17th May 2023, lots of happy dancing happened here at AFJHQ as after many months of hard work, Anna Fine Jewellery became a Certified B Corp…but what is one of those?

Well…essentially, a B Corp is a company using their business as a force for good. It’s kind of like an environmental and ethical gold star, and getting here was an incredibly rigorous (and long!) process. Anyone can just say they’re doing good stuff, and there are all sorts of certifications out there where you just have to tick the boxes with no more questions asked, but to become a B Corp, you have to provide hard evidence! If you’d like to read more about the process, I’ve written a longer blog all about it here.

Ethical Policy - A Working Document - Last Update Nov 2023

Everyone has an ethical policy these days, and lots of companies seem to think that simply saying they make everything by hand and do some recycling ticks all the boxes. Yes, I do make everything by hand, including all of my findings, and any chains that I need to buy in are made from recycled gold and silver, but there’s so much to it than that! Nobody is perfect, and I’m never going claim that there’s not more work to be done, but here’s how Anna Fine Jewellery is tackling the big three environmental problems (Energy, Food and Transport) as well as jewellery industry specific ethical issues…

Environmental Stuff

In 2023, Anna Fine Jewellery moved into the Eco-Studio. A timber framed building, insulted with recycled plastic bottles, kitted out with reused fixtures and fittings and most importantly, powered by the green energy of the sun! I have an Eco Flow battery to store enough power to keep running when its cloudy, and if I really need it, in the depths of winter, I can also top-up my battery from cheaper (and greener) night time grid electricity.

My soldering torch runs on the tiniest amount of propane gas combined with oxygen to produce a hotter flame provided by an electric oxygen concentrator.

My water is currently a clean and grey water tank system, but I have plans to improve this in the future to use only harvested and purified rainwater, which will also provide me with drinking water. I will also very soon be installing a water free composting toilet.

As I‘m in the forest where there’s a plentiful supply of fuel(mostly fallen branches)…for winter heating, I have a small “Eco-22 Compliant” wood burner.

I became a vegetarian when I was 13, and have been vegan for around 5 years. In my studio, all snacks and drinks are always vegan, as is any new equipment, tools, and sundries such as polishing compounds.

Since moving into the Eco-Studio, my daily commute is about a one minute walk. When I need to post my jewellery, it’s sent via Royal Mail, who I’m pretty sure claim to currently be the greenest delivery company in the UK! When I do need to travel, I have legs or an electric bike or for longer journeys, we’re a one “electric” car family.

Jewellery Specific Stuff

I’m a firm believer that there is already enough of everything in the world, without having to keep producing new “stuff”!  Jewellery is made to be worn, not sit in a box forever, but so many of us have pieces that we just have to keep due to their sentimentality. Therefore rescuing and recycling old pieces of jewellery from spending life stuck at the bottom of a drawer, never to be worn again, turning them into something new and beautiful is my absolute speciality!

All of the gold and silver that I use are recycled (either directly from old jeweller or bought from the bullion dealer as such), and although there isn’t any “official” recycled platinum or palladium yet, in reality, due to the fact that these metals are so expensive to buy, virtually every jeweller working with them will be selling their scrap back to the bullion dealer who then refines it ready to be used again.

However, no process is perfect, and I’m on a mission to make my business as circular as I possibly can, which includes my aim to eventually be able to work only in precious metals and gemstones that I have recycled from old jewellery in house.

An area of my industry that certainly isn't perfect (yet) is that of gemstones, and again I’ll always opt for recycled first. I don’t buy mined diamonds as there’s just too much uncertainty and risk that they may have caused harm to someone or the environment along their journey, so if you “really” want a diamond and I can’t get a recycled stone, I’ll use lab grown, but again, I’m very picky about where they have come from as often these don’t carry a perfectly clean ethical slate either! A diamond “alternative that I use quite a lot of is Moissanite. Again, as with every gemstone, just saying “it’s moissanite” isn’t really good enough in my mind. All of the moissanite that I use is made by Charles and Colvard, a US based company who manufacture all of their moissanite in USA factories. I know it’s not the UK, but at least the chances of worker exploitation are vastly reduced. Here’s their website if you’d like to check them out.

I do also currently buy a few mined coloured gemstones from Nineteen48. A trusted supplier who can offer full traceability.

Packaging is another constant “work in progress” and over the last few years, I’ve been working hard to find plastic-free, recyclable (in your own compost bin!) and vegan friendly solutions. My current packaging is made either from reclaimed wood or paper, but the velvety foam pads inside the boxes are currently proving difficult to find a suitable vegan alternative option for right now. Hopefully though, the box that your jewellery comes in is kept and used to safely store each piece when you’re not wearing it for many years to come.

As far as postal packaging goes, all of this is now plastic free and recyclable in your household collection or compost, or even better, please reuse it first if you can.

Pledge 1%

Pledge 1% is a global movement that inspires, educates, and empowers every entrepreneur, company, and employee to be a force for good. Over 18,000 members in 100 countries have used Pledge 1%’s flexible framework to ignite half a billion dollars in new philanthropy.

I have pledged to donate 1% of each sale to charity. This will be split equally between an environmental and humanitarian charity.

I have also pledged to donate 1% of my time to help others through educational and voluntary work.

My ethical policy is ALWAYS a working document and if you’d like to read a more business like and official sounding version then I do have a PDF one of those that I can send by email. I also really value your feedback and ideas for how I could be doings thing better, so please feel free to get in touch via the form below: