Blogging Challenge Day 2 - 10 Random Facts About Me....
Wooohoooo, I got to day 2!
- I keep chickens. Currently I have 5 hens and they’re all rescued. A big brown ex battery hen, two Mille fleur Pekin bantams and two Poland’s.
- I’m “90%” vegan - apart from occasionally eating my chickens eggs. But that’s not very often as I think I’m a bit intolerant to them.
- My favourite colour is purple.
- I can’t drink beer anymore 😧. This is recent food intolerance......but the good news is that wine and cider seem to be fine!
- I can play the violin. I actually started playing when I was about 7 or 8, and got to grade 7 standard at school. I stopped for a few years but more recently have been playing on and off in various bands. The latest being Jack Of All, where our biggest achievement was getting to play at Beautiful Days Festival!
- I’ve never been officially diagnosed but I’m 101% sure I’m dyslexic and pretty sure I’m dyspraxic and possibly autistic too. Going through the diagnosis process with my daughter, has made me realise that I’m the same. It annoys me a bit sometimes that it wasn’t noticed when I was at school, as maybe all those C grades could have been A’s. I always seemed to have to work twice as hard as everyone else!! Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a bit of paper to make it all official, but that would involve a long process of trying to explain and convince a whole load of strangers. That, and the fact that actually, I think I do ok. I even get paid to write! So why do I need to take up the time of already overstretched NHS staff, when there are people out there that really aren’t ok and need their help much more than I do.
- I’m related to an ancient king of Ireland.........well I am according to my Dad who researched our family name quite a few years ago.
- My favourite band ever is The Levellers. I discovered them when I was about 14 and have followed them ever since!
- I really like curry......and dark chocolate.......but not at the same time!
- Soon I’ll be 42, which as you should all know, is the answer to life, the universe and everything!
Pearl - one of our rescued Poland hens.
Playing my violin with Jack Of All
What I’ve been making today - A white gold and blue sapphire engagement ring.