Wedding in a yurt, but football always wins?
Hi everyone. I thought I’d write a short blog about last Sunday’s wedding fair, as it didn’t exactly turn out as I expected it to...
So, I’d been previously been pretty excited about this one. Firstly, because it was in the prettiest village in the Cotswolds, and secondly, because it was in a yurt! What a fantastic combination that was sure to attract lots of my kind of customer, or so I thought anyway.
But, I started to wonder a little if all was well, when I saw a facebook post from the company that runs the fair, saying that they still had a couple of spaces for exhibitors. A yurt isn’t a massive space, so I expected that all the exhibition spots would have been taken weeks ago. Ah well, I was till sure that they would be quickly filled up, but when I arrived, I discovered that there was only a very small handful of us. Ok, not a massive issue, as it was still a beautiful venue, and I got to spend the day meeting lots of potential new clients in the most fantastic yurt ever. Unfortunately though, only part of that last sentence was true.
Now, I don’t quite know why only 4 or 5 couples ventured inside the yurt over the entire day. The wedding fair company had advertised the event, is well known and I’ve exhibited with lots of very successful fairs with them. I do have a couple of theories though:
1. I remember visiting the village of Bourton-On-The-Water as a child. It was such a beautiful place with quaint little shops and a river running through the middle, perfect for summer picnics. However, I haven’t been there for years, and I don’t remember it being filled with literally 1000’s of tourists being bussed in and out. It was soooo noisy, and the air was full of petrol and diesel fumes from all the traffic. It certainly wasn’t the peaceful place that I remembered. Maybe people that actually live in that area, just avoid that place at the weekends?
2. And I suspect that this is probably the main reason - football! Flipping football, that I have no interest whatsoever in, but apparently England were playing that afternoon, which means that almost the entire country spends the day staring at a screen, watching some men chasing a ball around a field.
Whatever the reason, I guess I’ll just have to down to experience, but it has got me questioning my plan to only exhibit in interesting venues a little.
Anyway, I don’t want to end this blog on a negative, so here are a few photos of Cheltenham Yurt Hire’s absolutely gorgeous wedding yurt (a couple are nicked from their website as they were better than my pics 😉).....