First Week Back
Gosh, it feels like ages since Christmas, but I’ve just checked my calendar and I’ve actually only been back in my workshop for just over a week! January is typically a time when a) couples start getting into full on wedding palnning mode and b) a time when there’s lots of newly engaged people around looking for a ring. I’m also going to add a “c)” in here as this Christmas was probably the first time that I’d really noticed a surge in commissions “before” December 25th. Business wise, this is fantastic, as it means that people are finding me when they’re planning their Christmas and New Year proposals. All these things together though, had added up to a “very” busy Anna!
No way am I going to complain about this, but it has left me feeling like there isn’t any breathing space for anything unexpected that might happen. I’m being very mindful of this and am at least “trying” to plan my making/designing/admin time carefully. Trying is good, even if it doesn’t quite work, right?
So, in my first week back, I’ve completed 3 commissions and have got 2 more “almost” finished and ready to go for hallmarking. I’ve also done several commission drawings and started designing a new collection of pendants and earrings for a gallery. Oh and I almost forgot about exhibiting at a wedding fair and researching and booking another new one.....AND......of course not forgetting all my mummy duties!
OK, writing all that down was great. I often think that I don’t get enough done, but that’s loads!!!
Here’s a few pics..........