Ideas / Advice / Jewellery Making and Sustainability Tips / Random Thoughts…
Welcome to my blog! This is the place where I write all the stuff I used to share on Social Media before I decided to take ownership of what I write and bring it all home to my own website! If you’d like to keep up with my weekly-ish thoughts on my world, please either follow the RSS feed (not really sure how that actually works but it’s the little link below)…or…sign up to my mailing list to receive my witterings direct to your inbox.
Blustery Day(s)
I should have been at my bench today working on some Etsy orders and new collection pieces, but the weather decided otherwise and forced me into spending a day on the sofa. It’s been productive though, as I’ve finally finished off completing both the Forest of Dean and Wye Valley Tourism website and airbnb forms to list my workshops on there - hoorah!